Other Notices

1998-01-091998-02-131998-02-271996-04-161997-11-241998-01-13CO108HJThe Borough of St Edmundsbury0.54398352.066220CO10 8HJInsolvency Act 1986TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk55013853853
In the High Court of Justice  No. 6205 of 1996 (originally Colchester County Court  No. 55 of 1996) MARK GREGORY HARDY

of Moor Hall, Stoke-by-Clare, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 8HJ, and in the Matter of section 282 of the Insolvency Act 1986. Notice is hereby given by the above-named Bankrupt that consequent upon the entering into of a Resolution of disputes agreement dated 24th November 1997, provision has been made for the payment in full, together with interest at the applicable statutory rate, of all those Creditors in the above estate whose debts are valid claims upon the estate.   The above-named Bankrupt has applied to the High Court of Justice for an Order that the Bankruptcy Order of the Colchester County Court made on 16th April 1996, do be annulled on the grounds set out in section 282(1)(b) of the Insolvency Act 1986, that all the debts and expenses of the Bankruptcy have been paid or otherwise secured to the satisfaction of the Court.   That application has been listed to be heard at the High Court at 12 noon on Friday, 27th February 1998.   Any Creditor of the above-named Bankrupt who has not yet proved their debt should do so forthwith, but in any event not later than Friday, 13th February 1998, to the Trustee of the estate of the above-named Bankrupt, David Julian Buchler, of Buchler Phillips, 84 Grosvenor Street, London W1X 9DF.   Any person objecting to the Court making an Order of annulment of the Bankruptcy Order should set out the grounds of their objection by written notice before 13th February 1998, sent to M. J. Deveson, The Official Receiver, St. Clare House, Greyfriars, Ipswich. M. G. Hardy, Bankrupt 9th January 1998.