Appointment of Liquidators
Company Number: 03007920. Name of Company: PLANT & COMMERCIAL SPARES LTD. Nature of Business: Remanufactured Plant and Commercial Spares. Type of Liquidation: Creditors Voluntary. Address of Registered Office (Prior to Liquidation): 308 High Street, Croydon CR0 1NG. Address of Registered Office (Since Liquidation): Jacobs House, 64-66 Churchway, London NW1 1LT. Liquidator’s Name and Address: M. H. Hinton, C Jacobs & Co., Jacobs House, 64-66 Churchway, London NW1 1LT. Office Holder Number: 006453. Date of Appointment: 18th December 1997. By whom Appointed: Creditors.