Water Resources

1998-01-161998-02-231998-01-22NG25FA-1.13288552.940873NG2 5FAThe Borough of RushcliffeTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk55022484484
Notice of application for licences to abstract water and to vary an existing licence

Take notice that Thoresby Estates and Thoresby Estates/Naish Farms Partnership, of The Estate Office, Perlethorpe, Newark, Nottinghamshire, are applying to the Environment Agency for licences to abstract water from the River Meden, between National Grid References SK 6197 7021 and SK 6560 7179 in the parish of Perlethorpe-cum-Budby, and from the River Maun between National Grid References SK 6634 6977 and SK 6591 7189 in the parishes of Ollerton and Perlethorpe.   The proposal is to abstract water at the following rates: 406 cubic metres per hour, 5,306 cubic metres per day, and 411,207 cubic metres from the River Meden and 113 cubic metres per hour, 1,371 cubic metres per day and 45,460 cubic metres from the River Maun between April and October each year. The water will be used for spray irrigation purposes.   The licences being applied for are to simplify records of water abstracted and administrative reasons and will, if granted, replace Licence Numbers 3/28/71/16/S, 3/28/71/23/S and 3/28/70/22/S which currently authorise the abstraction of similar quantities to the above (including water released from winter storage reservoirs and Thoresby Lake) and will not result in an increase in authorised quantities. Current special conditions will still apply.   Licence Number 3/28/71/42/S which authorises the abstraction of water from the River Meden for winter storage and return to the river for abstraction during the summer currently held by Naish Farms Ltd. to be transferred to Thoresby Estates/Naish Farms Partnership and to include references to reabstraction under the new licences applied for above.   A copy of the application and any map, plans or other documents submitted with it may be inspected, free of charge, at all reasonable hours at the above address between 26th January and 23rd February 1998.   Any person who wishes to make representations about the application should do so in writing to the Environment Agency, Scarrington Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5FA, before the end of the said period. On behalf of Thoresby Estates and Thoresby Estates and Naish Farms Partnership. 16th January 1998.