Road Traffic Acts

Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984CT54DTSE186PW1998-02-121998-01-22SE186HQThe London Borough of Greenwich1.01712751.347192CT5 4DTThe City of CanterburyLocal Government Act 1985Road Traffic Act 19910.06462551.489566SE18 6PW0.06574951.488620SE18 6HQTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
The Greenwich (Free Parking Places) (Disabled Persons) (Amendment No.  ) Order 199 

Notice is hereby given that Greenwich Council, hereinafter called the Council, propose to make the above-mentioned Order under sections 6 and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended by the Local Government Act 1985, and the Road Traffic Act 1991.   The general effect of the Order would be to further amend the Greenwich (Free Parking Places) (Disabled Persons) Order 1994 so as to:   (a) revoke the disabled persons parking places situated outside or adjacent to No. 33 Bennett Park, No. 67 Dairsie Road, No. 4 Dunvegan Road and No. 73 a Vemham Road;   (b) designate disabled persons parking places, shown in the Schedule to this notice, in which vehicles authorised by the Order may be left for any period during the permitted hours without charge;   (c) provide that each parking place would operate at any time (Christmas Day, Good Friday and Bank Holidays excepted);   (d) specify, in respect of each parking place, that disabled persons’ vehicles displaying in the relevant position a disabled person’s badge (commonly referred to as “the Orange Badge”) issued by any local authority under the provisions of the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) Regulations 1982 may be left therein; and   (e) provide that certain vehicles may wait in each parking place in certain circumstances, e.g., to allow persons to board or alight (maximum 2 minutes), to load or unload (maximum 20 minutes), etc.   The restrictions referred to above would not apply in relation to vehicles being used for ambulance, fire brigade or police purposes in certain circumstances.   The above-mentioned restrictions would not apply to anything done:   (i) with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform or a parking attendant;   (ii) in accordance with any restriction or requirement indicated by traffic signs placed on the highway by or on behalf of the Metropolitan Police.   Persons having a query concerning the proposals should contact Development Services on 0181-854 8888 Extension 5577.   A copy of the proposed Order, the Order being amended and the Council’s statement of reasons for proposing to make the Order together with plans showing the locations, can be inspected during normal office hours on Mondays to Fridays inclusive, at Development Services, Greenwich Council, Peggy Middleton House, 50 Woolwich New Road, Woolwich SE18 6HQ.   A copy of the proposed Order and plans showing the locations only, can be inspected at all local libraries.   Persons desiring to object to the proposed Order or make other representation should send a statement in writing of their objection and the grounds thereof or of their representation to the Councils’ Agents, TMO Services, 9 Osprey Close, Whitstable, Kent CT5 4DT, quoting Ref. LBG/1079, by 12th February 1998.   Persons objecting to the proposed Order should be aware that in view of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, this Council would be legally obliged to make any comments received in response to this notice, open to public inspection. J. Barnes, Borough Secretary and Solicitor Town Hall, Wellington Street,   Woolwich SE18 6PW.


   Barth Road, north-west side, from a point 0.90 metres north-east of a point opposite the party wall of Nos. 9 and 11 Barth Road, extending south-westward for a distance of 6 metres.    Bostall Lane, the north-west side, from a point 0.60 metres north-east of a point opposite the party wall of Nos. 114 and 116 Bostall Lane, extending south-westward for a distance of 6 metres.    Bracondale Road, the north side, from a point 1 metre east of a point opposite the party wall of Nos. 179 to 181 Bracondale Road, extending westward for a distance of 6 metres.    Brewery Road, the north-east side, from a point 0.40 metres south-east of a point opposite the party wall of Nos. 61 and 63 Brewery Road, extending north-westward for a distance of 6 metres.    Combwell Crescent, the east side of the easternmost arm, from a point 6 metres north-west of a point opposite the northernmost wall of Nos. 2 to 40 Combwell Crescent extending north-westward for a distance of 2.40 metres and at an angle of 90 degrees to the kerb.    Oakmere Road, the south-east side, from a point 0.30 metres north-east of a point opposite the party wall of Nos. 8 and 10 Oakmere Road extending south-westward for a distance of 6 metres.    Rectory Place, the east side, from a point 5 metres north of the southern flank wall of Nos. 88 to 94 Rectory Place extending northward for a distance of 6 metres.    Southold Rise, the west side, from a point 0.50 metres south of a point opposite the south-eastern flank wall of No. 4 Southold Rise extending northward for a distance of 6 metres.    Tewson Road, the north-west side, from a point 0.90 metres north-east of a point opposite the party wall of Nos. 34 and 36 Tewson Road extending south-westward for a distance of 6 metres. 22nd January 1998.