Town and Country Planning

TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 19901997-02-041998-01-23TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Proposed Stopping-up of a Highway at Windermere, Cumbria

The Secretary of State for Transport hereby gives notice that on the application of South Lakeland District Council, he proposes to make an Order under section 247 of the above Act, which will authorise the stopping-up of a length of By-Way No. 581063 at Winderemere, from a point approximately 50 metres east of the easterly end of School Knott Drive and extending in a northerly directon for a distance of 97 metres and requiring the provision of a bridleway.   If the Order is made, the stopping-up will be authorised only in order to enable the development described in the Schedule to this notice to be carried out in accordance with the planning permission granted to Impact Housing Association by the Lake District Special Planning Board, on 4th February 1997, under Ref. 7/95/5464.   Copies of the draft Order and relevant plan may be inspected at all reasonable hours during the 28 days commencing on 23rd January 1998 at the offices of South Lakeland District Council at the Technical Services Department, Shearman House, Allhallows Lane, Kendal, and at South Lakeland House, Lowther Street, Kendal, and may be obtained, free of charge, from the Department of Transport (quoting Ref. GO/TNW 5049/35/1/34) at the address stated below.   Any person may object to the making of the proposed Order within the period of 28 days commencing on 23rd January 1998 by notice to the Secretary of State for Transport, quoting the above reference, at the Department of Transport, Government Office for the North West, Sunley Tower, Piccadilly Plaza, Manchester M1 4BE.   In preparing an objection it should be borne in mind that the substance of it may be imparted to other persons who may be affected by it and that those persons may wish to communicate with the objector about it. G. Tarr, Government Office for the North West, Department of Transport.


  Low-cost housing for locals at Field Nos. 0002 and 0600 adjacent Mill Beck (School Knott) Windermere.