Town and Country Planning
BERWICK-UPON-TWEED BOROUGH COUNCIL (and Northumberland National Park Authority)
Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as amended)
Notice of Designation of Conservation Area
Conservation Area at Kirknewton, Northumberland
Notice is hereby given that the Northumberland National Park Authority and Berwick-upon-Tweed Borough Council, at meetings on 10th June 1996 and 4th July 1996 respectively, in pursuance of their powers under section 69(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as amended), determined that the area described in the Schedule to this notice is an Area of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance and accordingly the said area is designated as a Conservation Area with effect from Thursday, 25th July 1996. The effect of the designation of the Conservation Area may be summarised as follows: (a) where any application for planning permission for development of land in or adjacent to the Conservation Area is made to the local planning authority (whether it be the Council or the National Park Authority), and the development would, in the opinion of the local planning authority, affect the character or appearance of the Conservation Area, the application will be subject to the special procedure in sub-sections (2) to (7) of section 67 of the Town and Country Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as amended); (b) anyone wishing to demolish the whole or part of a building or gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure situate within the Conservation Area must first apply to the local planning authority for consent to demolition. This is not taken to be included in the planning permission for redevelopment of the site unless, in granting the planning permission, the local planning authority states that it includes consent to demolish the building or gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure. Some buildings may be exampt from this requirement; (c) anyone wishing to cut down, top or lop or uproot a tree situate within the Conservation Area must give 6 weeks prior notice of his or her intention to the local planning authority. A map of the Conservation Area may be inspected, free of charge, during normal office hours at the office of the Borough Planning Officer or Borough Solicitor at the address below. E. A. Cawthorn, Director of Corporate Services Council Offices, Wallace Green, Berwick-upon-Tweed TD15 1ED.
All the area at Kirknewton, in the Northumberland National Park and the Borough of Berwick-upon-Tweed, hereafter described (clockwise). commencing at the most eastern point of the northern boundary of the dismantled railway line at Grid Reference (GR) NT 914304, proceeding north-east along the field boundary for some 179 metres to GR NT 915305, turning south-east for some 90 metres to a point adjoining the north-western boundary of a track at GR NT 916305; then proceeding north-east along the north-western boundary of the track for some 57 metres to GR NT 917305, turning south-east across the track; then along the northern, and then eastern and southern boundaries of the curtilage of Glen Cottage, proceeding south-west along the rear boundaries of Nos. 4, 3 and 2 Railway Cottages; turning south-west, following the curtilage of the property 5 Railway Cottages to joint the south-eastern boundary of the track; proceeding south-west along the track some 66 metres; then following the north-eastern and south-eastern boundaries of the property “Gregory” and the south-eastern boundary of the School House to a point adjoining the north-eastern boundary of the B6351 road; turning south-east for some 61 metres, following the north-eastern boundary of the War Memorial to join the B6351 road at GR 915302; then turning south across the B6351 road and proceeding westwards along the southern boundary of the B6351 road to the eastern boundary of East Kirknewton Farm; following the south-eastern and then south-western boundary of East Kirknewton Farm to meet the southern track of Kirknewton House; following the track for some 267 metres to a point where it is joined by the western track of Coronation Wood at GR 912300; turning north across the track and proceeding north along the western boundary of theCoronation Wood track for some 208 metres, and the western boundary of the sheepwash to the point where it joins the B6351 road at GR 912303; then following the southern boundary of the B6351 road westwards for some 448 metres to GR 908303; turning north across the B6351 road and following the north-west boundary of the track which is located to the west of Station House for some 85 metres to GR 908304; finally crossing the dismantled railway line and turning eastwards, following the northern boundary of the dismantled railway line to the aforesaid point of commencement.