Privy Council Office

1974-12-041974-05-301939-07-031939-04-141871-05-161998-01-30TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

The Governing Body of Harrow School have made a revised Statute in the terms appended hereto, and the same is hereby published in The London Gazette as required by the above-named Act.   Any person or body corporate authorised by the said Act may within two months after publication hereof petition Her Majesty in Council to withhold Her approval from the whole or any part of the said Statute.


A Statute to replace Clauses 1 and 3 of the Statute of the Sixteenth Day of May One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-One then made for Determining and Establishing the Constitution of the then New Governing Body of Harrow School by the Special Commissioners appointed for the purposes of the Public Schools Act 1868. Whereas by section 11 of the Public Schools Act 1868 it is enacted that any Statute made in exercise of the powers of that Act may at any time or times be repealed or altered by the Governing Body for the time being in the same manner and subject to the same provisions in and subject to which Statutes may be made by the Governing Body: And whereas the Governing Body wish to replace certain provisions of the Statute of 16th May 1871, namely—   (a) Clause 1 (which makes provision for the election of the members of the Governing Body) as amended or added to by—     (i) a Statute of the Governing Body sealed on 14th April 1939 and approved by His Majesty in Council on 3rd July 1939, and     (ii) a Statute of the Governing Body sealed on 30th May 1974 and approved by Her Majesty in Council on 4th December 1974; and   (b) Clause 3 (which concerns the filling of vacancies on the Governing Body) as amended or added to by the said Statute of the Governing Body sealed on 30th May 1974 and approved by Her Majesty in Council on 4th December 1974: Now WE the Keepers and Governors of the possessions revenues and goods of the Free Grammar School of John Lyon within the town of Harrow-on-the-Hill in the County of Middlesex (hereinafter called “The Keepers and Governors of Harrow School”) being the Governing Body of Harrow School in pursuance of the said section 11 of the said Public Schools Act 1868 and any and every other power enabling us do by this Statute enact as follows:   For Clause 1 of the Statute dated 16th May 1871 (as amended or added to as mentioned above) substitute —   “1.—(1) The Governing Body of Harrow School shall consist of the following members namely—     (a) one member to be elected by the Hebdomadal Council of the University of Oxford;     (b) one member to be elected by the Council of the Senate of the University of Cambridge;     (c) one member to be elected by the President and Council of the Royal Society;     (d) one member to be elected by the Lord Chancellor for the time being;     (e) one member to be elected by the Head, Lower and Assistant Masters of the School for the time being;     (f) 15 members to be elected by the Keepers and Governors of Harrow School for the time being; and     (g) such further and additional members as from time to time shall be elected by the Keepers and Governors of Harrow School for the time being but so that the total number of members of the Governing Body shall not at any time exceed 25.   (2) Each of the members elected pursuant to paragraph (1)(f) and (g) shall hold office for a period of five years only (but shall thereafter be eligible for re-election).”.   For Clause 3 of the Statute dated 16th May 1871 (as amended or added to as mentioned above) substitute — “3.—(1) Where a vacancy occurs in the office of members of the Governing Body, a replacement member shall be elected by the person or body of persons whom, for the time being, have the power under Clause 1 of this Statute of electing the member in respect of whom the vacancy occurs.   (2) Subject to paragraph (3), the replacement member shall be elected within three months of the vacancy occurring.   (3) Nothing in paragraph (2) shall require the Governing Body—     (i) to elect the further or additional members referred to in Clause 1(1)(g) of this Statute within three months of the date on which this Clause comes into force; or     (ii) where there is a vacancy in the office of a member of the Governing Body who is elected by the Keepers and Governors of Harrow School for the time being, to elect a replacement member within three months of the occurrence of the vacancy, so long as there shall be at the time the vacancy occurs not fewer than fifteen members of the Governing Body elected by the Keepers and Governors of Harrow School.”.   The following Statutes shall cease to have effect:   (a) the Statute of the Governing Body sealed on 14th April 1939 and approved by His Majesty in Council on 3rd July 1939; and   (b) the Statute of the Governing Body sealed on 30th May 1974 and approved by Her Majesty in Council on 4th December 1974.   Sealed by the Governing Body of Harrow School this Twenty-ninth day of November One thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven. L.S.                 M. B. Cornwell,                 P. Siddons, Two of the Keepers and Governors of Harrow School. A. J. F. Stebbings, Clerk