Water Resources
Notice of application for consent for the purpose of section 88
Notice is hereby given, in accorance with Schedule 10 to the Water Resources Act 1991, that an application has been made to the Environment Agency by DWR Cymru/Welsh Water for consent to discharge storm sewage effluent in an emergency to Y Cyt, Glaslyn Marsh at National Grid Reference SH 5736 3890 from storm tank at Porthmadog waste water treatment works. Any person who wishes to make representations about the application should do so in writing to The Environment Agency, Rivers House, St. Mellons Business Park, St. Mellons, Cardiff CF3 OLT, not later than 16th February 1998, quoting Ref. RT/WQ/RCEU/PG/CG0375402. A copy of the application may be inspected, free of charge, at all reasonable hours at The Environment Agency, Llwyn Brain, Ffordd Penlan, Bangor LL57 4DE. T. Watson, Consents & Compliance Officer 22nd January 1998.