Amendment of Title of Proceedings
LEAVER, Lorraine, unemployed, of Walwood Lodge, Banstead, Surrey SM7 1ER, lately of 6 Woodplace Close, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 1NA, formerly of 9 Cunningham Road, Banstead, Surrey SM7. Court—CROYDON. No. of Matter—33 of 1994. Date of Bankruptcy Order—21st July 1997. These proceedings were previously advertised in The London Gazette on 1st August 1997, under the description: Lorraine Leaver, of Walwood Lodge, Park Road, Banstead, Surrey SM7 3ER, previously of 9 Cunningham Road, Banstead, Surrey. Official Receiver—5th Floor, Sunley House, Bedford Park, Croydon CR9 1TX.