Highways Act 1980, Section 116
Proposed Stopping-up of Herman Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire
Notice is hereby given that City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, being the Highway Authority for the highway hereinafter mentioned, intends to apply to the Magistrates’ Court for the Petty Sessional Division of Bradford, sitting at The Tyrls, Bradford, West Yorkshire, on Thursday, 12th March 1998, at 10 a.m., for an Order under section 116 of the Highways Act 1980, authorising the said Council to stop up for the purposes of all traffic Herman Street, Bradford, West Yorkshire, more particularly shown edged red and hatched black on drawing No. 47333/RC33, which has been deposited and may be inspected, free of charge, during normal office hours at the Customer Services Office, Directorate of Corporate Services, Ground Floor, City Hall, Bradford. The ground upon which the Order is sought is that the highway is now unnecessary. Any person wishing to object to the proposal or to make representations about it may appear at the hearing at the date and time shown above. The Council requests that advance notice be given to it of such objection by writing to the undersigned quoting Ref. LEG/PL/SPN/432-047. The documents can be made available in the form of braille, large print or recorded tape. Please contact the Property Law Unit at the address given below should you require access to the documents in one of these forms. G. A. Danby, Assistant Director (Legal) City Hall, Bradford BD1 1HY. 6th February 1998.