Bank of England

1998-02-16BANKING ACT 1987TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
The Banking Coordination (Second Council Directive) Regulations 1992

The Bank of England has made the following changes to the list of institutions:   3. European Authorised Institutions (EAIs) entitled to provide services on a cross-border basis in the UK:     (i) EAI’s which are entitled to accept deposits in the UK on a cross-border basis:      Additions :     Eurohypo European Mortgage Bank Ireland plc, Republic of       Ireland.     Fokus Bank ASA, Norway.     Landeskreditbank Baden-Württemberg, Germany.     (ii) EAI’s which are not entitled to accept deposits in the UK on a cross-border basis:      Addition :     EBS Building Society, Republic of Ireland.      Deletion :     European Mortgage Bank (Ireland) Ltd., Republic of Ireland.