Notice of Intended Dividends

1998-02-091998-03-191998-02-17TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

MAGGS, Gareth John, unemployed, of 41 Langdon Road, Southdown Park, Bath BA2 1LS, in the county of Avon, and lately carrying on business as Face Value Domestic Appliances, High Street, Keynsham, in the County of Avon, as a Domestic Appliance Retailer. Court—BATH. No. of Matter—287 of 1994. Last Date for Receiving Proofs—19th March 1998. Name of Trustee and Address—S. A. Jackson, BN Jackson Norton, 27 Queen Square, Bristol BS1 4ND. S. A. Jackson, Trustee 9th February 1998.