The Electricity (Applications for Licences and Extensions of Licences) Regulations 1990
Take notice that ICI Chemicals & Polymers Limited has applied for a Generating Licence
in the following terms:
1. Full name of the applicants:
ICI Chemicals & Polymers Limited.
2. Address of the applicants or, in the case of a body corporate, the registered
or principal office:
The Heath, Runcorn, Cheshire WA7 4QF.
3. Where the applicant is a Company, the full names of the current Directors and
the Company’s registered number:
Michael Gardner
Adrian Paige Westwood Bromley
David Firth Guyton
Registered No. 358535.
4. Where a holding of 20 per cent or more of the shares (see Note 1) of an applicant
is held by a body corporate or partnership or an unincorporated association carrying
on a trade or business with or without a view to profit, the name(s) and address(es)
of the holders of such shares shall be provided.
Horseferry Investments Limited, a Company incorporated in England with registered
number 3427706 and whose registered address is Imperial Chemical House, Millbank,
London SW1P 3JF, is the owner of 100 per cent of the shares of ICI Chemicals & Polymers
Imperial Chemical Industries plc., a Company incorporated in England with registered
number 218019, and whose registered office is at Imperial Chemical House, Millbank,
London SW1P 3JF, is the owner of 100 per cent of the shares of Horseferry Investments
Limited, and hence is the ultimate holding Company of ICI Chemicals & Polymers Limited.
5. Desired date from which the licence is to take effect:
31st March 1998.
6. The number of generating stations intended to be operated under the licence (if
7. A sufficient description adequately specifying (see Note 2) the actual or proposed
locations of those stations. Descriptions of proposed locations must be sufficient
to make clear the nature and extent of the proposed development:
Existing power stations operated by ICI Chemicals & Polymers Limited at the following
Wilton Power Station, Wilton Site, Middlesbrough.
Weston Point Power Station and Weaver Power Station, Castner Kellner Site, Runcorn,
Thornton Power Station, Hillhouse International Site, Thornton Cleveleys, Blackpool,
8. A description of how those stations will, in each case, be fuelled or driven:
Wilton Power Station is fuelled on coal, natural and other gases, or heavy fuel oil;
Weston Point Power Station is fuelled primarily on natural gas and waste hydrogen
with capability to burn heavy fuel oil; Weaver Power Station is fuelled on natural
gas with gas oil back-up; Thornton Power Station is fuelled primarily on natural gas
with heavy fuel oil back-up.
9. The date when any proposed generating stations are expected to be commissioned:
ICI Chemicals & Polymers Limited has applied for a generating licence as the transitional
exemption arrangements from the need to hold a licence fall on 31st March 1998.
10. The capacity and type of each unit within the generating station (MW):
Wilton Power Station has a generating capacity of 154 MW comprising three primary
pass out steam turbines each rated 33 MW and three secondary pass out steam turbines
and a limited condensing capability rated 11.5 MW, 20 MW, and 23.5 MW.
Weston Point Power Station has a generating capacity of 47 MW comprising a pass out
steam turbine rated 15 MW and condensing steam turbine rated 32 MW.
Weaver Power Station has a generating capacity of 57 MW comprising two gas combustion
turbines rated 38 MW and 19 MW.
Thornton Power Station has a generating capacity of 48.5 MW comprising one 28 MW
back pressure steam turbine and two condensing steam turbines rated 18 MW and 2.5
11. A statement of the extent (if any) to which the applicant considers it necessary
for powers under Schedule 3 (compulsory acquisition of land etc.) and under Schedule
4 (other powers etc.) to the Act to be given through the licence for which he is applying:
The applicant does not envisage that these powers will be needed.
12. Details of any licences held, applied for or being applied for by the applicant
in respect of the generation, transmission or supply of electricity:
Copies of maps relevant to this application have been lodged in accordance with
Regulation 6 of the Electricity (Applications for Licences and Extensions of Licences)
Regulations 1990, at the Regional offices of the Office of Electricity Regulation
in the North East Region, 1st Floor, St. Cuthbert Chambers, 35 Nelson Street, Newcastle
upon Tyne NE1 5AN; the North West Region, 5th Floor, Boulton House, 17-21 Chorlton
Street, Manchester M1 3HY; the Merseyside and North Wales Region, 4th Floor, Hamilton
House, Hamilton Place, Chester CH1 2BH. Copies are available for inspection by the
public between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., on any working day.
J. L. Kay, Company Secretary