Other Notices

1998-04-011998-04-101998-03-121998-03-311998-02-19TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk55048506506

STATUTORY CLOSURE DATE 31ST MARCH 1998 Notice is hereby given that Tyne and Wear Development Corporation will cease to be operational on 31st March 1998. The Corporation wishes satisfactorily to address and resolve any outstanding transactions. It is therefore important that all issues are concluded in advance of that date.   Over the past year or so, the Corporation has been in discussion with four of the Local Authorities in Tyne and Wear, English Partnerships and others to deal with completion of projects and maintenance of landscaping and infrastructure in its urban development area. The Commission for the New Towns is the Corporation’s residuary body and it will ensure that all other responsibilities as well as any matters outstanding at 31st March 1998 are dealt with.   Please note the following important information with regard to providers of goods and services to the Corporation:   All current providers of goods and services should submit their invoices by 12th March 1998 in order that they can be processed and paid prior to 31st March 1998.   For goods and services provided up to 31st March 1998, invoices should be submitted to the Corporation prior to 10th April 1998 in order that they can be included in the Statutory Accounts of the Corporation for the year to 31st March 1998. These invoices will be processed and passed to the Commission for the New Towns for payment.   Any invoices for ongoing works carried out after 1st April 1998 should be submitted direct to the Commission for the New Towns, PO Box 49, New Town House, Buttermarket Street, Warrington, Cheshire WA1 2LF, telephone (01925) 651 144.   Where there are amounts due to the Corporation, they should be settled promptly.   It is in the best interests of all concerned that any outstanding matters are drawn to the Corporation’s attention immediately. Please contact the appropriate Officers within the Corporation in order that they may assist you if there are any queries.   Your co-operation at this time is greatly appreciated. A. G. Balls, Chief Executive