Water Resources

The County of HerefordshireThe City and County of Cardiff-2.51838452.090183HR8 2TD-3.08296151.529368CF3 0LT1998-02-161998-03-211998-02-20HR82TDCF30LTTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk55049999999
Notice of application for a licence to abstract water

Take notice that Canon Frome Court Housing Association, of Canon Frome Court, near Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 2TD, is applying to the Environment Agency for a licence to abstract water from Silurian Mudstone Strata at National Grid Reference SO 6458 4351, at the Canon Frome Court property, Canon Frome, near Ledbury, as above.   The proposal is to abstract water at the following rates: 3 cubic metres per hour, 18 cubic metres per day, 6,570 cubic metres per year. The water will be used for domestic purposes.   A copy of the application and any map, plans and other documents submitted with it may be inspected, free of charge, at all reasonable hours at Canon Frome Court, near Ledbury, Herefordshire HR8 2TD, between 20th February 1998 and 21st March 1998.   Any person who wishes to make representations about the application should do so in writing to the Environment Agency, Welsh Region, Rivers House, St. Mellons Business Park, St. Mellons, Cardiff CF3 0LT, before the end of the said period. C. Ruxton, Environmental Geologist, on behalf of Canon Frome Court Housing Association. 16th February 1998.