Amendment of Title of Proceedings
OVERTON, Lawrence John, shown in the Bankruptcy Order as Mr. L. J. Overton, Butcher, of 11 Sussex Road, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR31 6PF, lately carrying on business in the style of Gorleston Hams, from Unit 20, Longs Industrial Estate, Englands Lane, Gorleston, and formerly from Unit E, Grove Glade Shopping Hall, High Street, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk. Court—GREAT YARMOUTH. No. of Matter—131 of 1997. Date of Bankruptcy Order—17th December 1997. These proceedings were previously advertised in The London Gazette on 30th December 1997, under the description: Mr. L. J. Overton, of 11 Sussex Road, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, and carrying on business as Gorleston Hams, at the aforementioned address. Official Receiver—Emmanuel House, 2 Convent Road, Norwich NR2 1PA.