Water Resources
Notice of applications for licences to abstract water
Take notice that (1) R. J. Elliot, Hollybrook Nursery, Exmouth Road, West Hill, Devon; (2) St. Bridget Nurseries Ltd., Old Rydon Lane, Exeter, Devon; (3) P. H. and D. J. Austin, Frome Golf Centre, Critchill Manor, Frome, Somerset, and (4) D. G. Churchill, Clear View Farm, Martinstown, Dorchester, Dorset, are applying to the Environment Agency for licences to abstract water from (1) Marls, at National Grid Reference SY 062 949, (2) Brecia/Sandstone at National Grid Reference SX 953 906, (3) Lake, at National Grid Reference ST 754 473 and (4) Chalk at National Grid Reference SY 635 887. The proposals are to abstract water at the following rates; (1) 30 cubic metres per day, 7,000 cubic metres per year for spray irrigation; (2) 146 cubic metres per day, 20,000 cubic metres per year for spray irrigation (this is to replace an existing abstraction of 93 cubic metres pe day, 14,000 cubic metres per year); (3) 51 cubic metres per day, 5,100 cubic metres per year for spray irrigation, and (4) 18 cubic metres per day and 5,494 cubic metres per year for agriculture. Copies of the applications and any maps, plans and other documents submitted with them may be inspected, free of charge, at all reasonable hours at the relevant address above, between 5th March 1998 and 5th April 1998. Any person who wishes to make representations about any of the applications should do so in writing to the Environment Agency, for (1) and (2) Exminster House, Miller Way, Exminster, Devon; for (3) Rivers House, East Quay, Bridgewater, Somerset and for (4) Rivers House, Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Road, Blandford, Dorset, before the end of the said period. I. Trew, on behalf of all the above 27th February 1998.