Water Resources
Notice of application for a licence to abstract water
Notice is hereby given that an application is being made to the Environment Agency, Thames Region, by Thames Water Utilities Ltd., Nugent House, Vastern Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 8DB, to vary three licences to abstract water from underground strata at Dorney (grouped at National Grid Reference SU 918 789), Datchet (grouped at National Grid Reference SU 978 781) and Taplow (new borehole at National Grid Reference SU 9055 8315). The need to vary the current licences arises because of the construction, by the Environment Agency, of the Maidenhead, Windsor and Eton Flood Relief Channel. The construction of the Flood Relief Channel will result in a reduction in the ability to abstract from Thames Water’s licensed source at Taplow because a number of boreholes located along the proposed route of the Channel will not be usable during the period of construction and two will be lost permanently. The licence variations will allow the use of additional boreholes at each licensed source. The variations will also permit a temporary increase in the quantity that can be abstracted at Dorney and Datchet for the period of construction of the Flood Relief Channel. The variation to the volume that can be abstracted at Dorney and Datchet will be time limited to expire after completion of the construction of the Flood Alleviation Scheme such that the temporarily unused boreholes at Taplow can be brought back on line. This is expected to be completed within seven years. The new boreholes will be retained after the Flood Alleviation Scheme is completed. The water will be used for public water supply in the local area. A copy of the application and of any map, plan or other document submitted with it may be inspected, free of charge, at The Environment Agency Office, 110-114 High Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire, Slough SL6 1PT, or Eton Post Office, 126 High Street, Eton, Windsor, Berkshire SL4 6AR, at all reasonable hours during the period beginning on 6th March 1998 and ending on 6th April 1998. The specific details of the application are: Dorney—an increase in the peak daily abstraction rate from 27,276 cubic meres per day to 30,100 cubic metres per day, and an increase in the annual abstraction rate from 6,655,344 cubic metres per year to 8,212,500 cubic metres per year. Two new boreholes will be added to the licence at National Grid References SU 9160 7883 and SU 9182 7870. Datchet—an increase in the peak daily abstraction rate from 22,730 cubic meres per day to 27,500 cubic metres per day, and an increase in the annual abstraction rate from 6,637,160 cubic metres per year to 7,044,500 cubic metres per year. Two new boreholes will be added to the licence at National Grid References SU 9784 7801 and SU 9788 7808. Taplow—there will be no increase to the volumes that can be abstracted. A new borehole will be added to the licence at National Grid References SU 9055 8315. Any person who wishes to make representations about the application should do so in writing to the Groundwater and Licensing Manager, Environment Agency, Thames Region, Kings Meadow House, Kings Meadow Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 8DQ, before the end of the said period. J. R. Sexton, on behalf of Thames Water Utilities Ltd. 6th March 1998.