Town and Country Planning

Town and Country Planning Act 1990TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 19901998-01-121998-03-12TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
The Stopping-up of Highways (Collingdon Road, Butetown, Cardiff) Order 199 

The Secretary of State for Wales hereby gives notice that he proposes to make an Order under section 247 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to authorise the stopping-up of the length of highway described in Schedule 1 to this notice.   If the Order is made, the stopping-up will be authorised only in order to enable the development described in Schedule 2 to this notice to be carried out in accordance with planning permission granted by the County Council of the City and County of Cardiff on 12th January 1998, under Ref. 94/01987/R. The Order shall cease to have effect upon the cessation of the planning permission.   The Order will require the provision of new highway which will be highway maintainable at the public expense, for which the County Council of the City and County of Cardiff shall be the Highway Authority.   During 28 days from 12th March 1998, copies of the draft Order and the deposited plans may be inspected, free of charge, during normal office hours at the offices of Cardiff County Council, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff, or may be obtained, free of charge, from the address below quoting the Welsh Office reference.   Within the above-mentioned period of 28 days, any person may, by notice to the Welsh Office Highways Directorate, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF1 3NQ (quoting Ref. ZC 510-5-71-16), object to the making of the Order. In the preparation of an objection it should be borne in mind that the substance of any objection or representation may be communicated to other people who may be affected by it. R. D. Chaffey, Roads Administration Division, Welsh Office

Schedule 1
All measurements are approximate
Description of the length of highway to be stopped-up under this Order

  The highway to be stopped-up is at Butetown in Cardiff. It is shown by zebra hatching on the deposited plan and is a length and part width of highway, comprising carriageway and footway, known as Collingdon Road, which extends for a distance of 112 metres from a point 5 metres north-west of its junction with Bute Place and has a total area of 831 square metres.

Description of the length of new highway to be provided under this Order

  A one-way gyratory incorporating part of and constructed on the east of Collingdon Road.

Schedule 2

  Road infrastructure, footways, landscaped open spaces, park land and water features reservation for future light rail transit system comprising Bute Square and Bute Avenue at development site at Bute Square and Bute Avenue, Butetown, Cardiff.