Coast Protection
The Haggerlythe, Whitby
The Scarborough Borough Council, acting in their capacity as Coast Protection Authority, hereby give notice under sub-section (1) of section 5 of the above Act that they propose to carry out coast protection works as described herein at The Haggerlythe, Whitby, North Yorkshire. The work in essence will consist of a combination of rock armour revetment at the base of the coastal cliffs along the River Esk frontage and open coast abutting the Abbey Headland, slope stabilisation techniques, and slope erosion protection by landscaping and vegetation. Pedestrian access to the East Pier of the Harbour will be restored by providing a new causeway across the rock armour. The length of the works is 250 metres. The estimated cost of the work is £600,000. Any person may, not later than 27th April 1998, serve a written notice of objection to the above proposal on the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and on the above-mentioned Authority. Any such notice must contain a statement of the grounds of objection and must be sent by pre-paid post to the Flood and Coastal Defence Division, Room 209, Eastbury House, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 30-34 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7LT, and to me at the address shown below. J. M. Trebble, Chief Executive Town Hall, St. Nicholas Street, Scarborough YO11 2HG. 27th March 1998.