Town and Country Planning
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas)
Act 1990, Part II, Sections 69 and 70
Notice is hereby given of the designation of a Conservation Area in Kniveton, Derbyshire
The area comprises at its most northern point the School House, School and Village
Hall and thence south to include all properties fronting the main village street to
its junction with Foxholes Lane. Frontage properties down Foxholes Lane to the bridge
and the field between the lane and stream are included together with properties along
the lane to the east to the Methodist Chapel and to the west up St. James Lane to
St. James Lane Farm. In addition fields to the north-west of the village and opposite
the Red Lion Public House are included for the archaelogical evidence of a shrunken
medieval settlement and ridge and furrow within them.
Listed buildings within the area include St. Michael’s Church at the northern end
of the village, several C17 former farmhouses and the Old Hall at the southern end
and two methodist chapels.
Three fields are included in the Derbyshire County Council’s Sites and Monuments
Register and the village pump is a County Treasure.
The effects of designation broadly comprises:
New development to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation
Area or at least not detract from it;
The Local Planning Authority to consider enhancement schemes for the area and to
grant aid the same;
Six weeks notice to be given of works to trees;
Consent is generally required to demolish any building;
Planning permission is needed for most extensions, satellite dishes on elevations
fronting highways and changes to roofs.
A copy of the plan may be viewed either at the Compton Offices, Ashbourne or the
Town Hall, Matlock between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday to Friday.
A. R. Yarwood, Head of Planning Services Town Hall, Bank Road,
Matlock, Derbyshire.
10th March 1998.