Petitions to Wind Up (Companies)

-2.25267153.480918M60 9DJThe City of Manchester1998-03-301998-04-231998-04-241998-03-051998-04-03Insolvency Act 1986-0.12499651.527590WC1H 9NE-2.23967253.487228M60 0ALThe London Borough of CamdenTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

In the High Court of Justice (Chancery Division) Manchester District Registry.  No. 1129 of 1998In the Matter of BUCKLEY & WILCOX LIMITED and in the Matter of the Insolvency Act 1986A Petition to wind up the above-named Company of 93 Judd Street, London WC1H 9NE, presented on 5th March 1998 by Co-operative Insurance Society Limited, of CIS Building, Miller Street, Manchester M60 0AL, claiming to be a Creditor of the Company, will be heard at Manchester District Registry, sitting at Courts of Justice, Crown Square, Manchester M60 9DJ, on Friday, 24th April 1998, at 10.30 a.m. (or as soon thereafter as the Petition can be heard).   Any person intending to appear on the hearing of the Petition (whether to support or oppose it) must give notice of intention to do so to the Petitioner or its Solicitor in accordance with Rule 4.16 by 1600 hours on Thursday, 23rd April 1998. The Petitioner’s Solicitor is B. K. J. Lewis, CIS Building, Miller Street, Manchester M60 0AL.  (Ref. SO/NPG/C12933.) 30th March 1998.