Notice of Intended Dividends

-2.99307353.408132L3 9HF1998-03-311998-04-301998-04-08The City of LiverpoolTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Lluarth, 9 Glan Treweryn, Fron Goch, Bala, Gwynedd, and carrying on business as Weigh Out, 15 Daniel Owen Precinct, Mold, Clwyd. Take notice that a Dividend is intended to be declared in this matter within four months of 30th April 1998. If you are a Creditor and you do not prove your debt on or before 30th April 1998, you will be excluded from this Dividend. Creditors should send their claims to the undersigned, G. Huntingdton, Huntington Moore, No. 1 Old Hall Street, Liverpool L3 9HF. G. Huntington, Trustee 31st March 1998.