Water Resources
Notice of application for a licence to abstract water
Take notice that C. W. A. Garfit, of The Old Rectory, Harlton, Cambridge CB3 7ES, is applying to the Environment Agency for a licence to abstract water from a lower greensand borehole at National Grid Reference TL 434 520 at Hauxton, Cambridge, South Cambridgeshire. The proposal is to abstract water at the following rates: 20 cubic metres per hour, 480 cubic metres per day and 30,000 cubic metres per year between January and December each year. The water will be used for conservation and amenity. This proposal will not result in abstraction of additional resources from the lower greensand. A copy of the application and any map, plans and other documents submitted with it may be inspected, free of charge, at all reasonable hours at Cambridge Farm Machinery, Church Road, G. Hauxton, between 22nd April and 22nd May 1998. Any person who wishes to make representations about the application should do so, in writing, to the Environment Agency, Bromholme Lane, Brampton, Huntingdon PE18 8NE,, before the end of the said period. C. W. A. Garfit 8th April 1998.