Water Resources
Notice of application to vary a licence to abstract water
Take notice that the British Waterways Board, of Willow Grange, Church Road, Watford, Hertfordshire WD1 3QA, is applying to the Environment Agency to vary licence serial number 3/28/36/159/C which authorises the abstraction of water from the Trent and Mersey Canal, between National Grid References SK 3340 2970 and SK 3910 2765 and between SK 4250 2960 and SK 4300 2990, in the parishes of Sinfin and Arleston, Barrow-upon-Trent, Swarkestone, Weston-upon-Trent and Shardlow and Great Wilne, Derbyshire. The variation being applied for is (1) to implement a maximum hourly quantity of 150 cubic metres, (2) to increase the maximum daily and annual quantities from 682 cubic metres and 27,276 cubic metres respectively, to 1,500 cubic metres and 45,000 cubic metres respectively, (3) to change the authorised means of abstraction from one pump to two pumps and a siphon, (4) an increase in the amount of land to be irrigated, (5) an additional abstraction point at National Grid Reference SK 3562 2892, and (6) the ability to transfer water to a storage reservoir for subsequent re-abstraction for spray irrigation purposes. A copy of the application and any map, plans or other documents submitted with it may be inspected, free of charge, between 9 a.m., and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, at Trent Valley Growers Ltd., Bridge Farm, Barrow-on-Trent, Derby DE73 1HH, between 22nd April 1998 and 22 May 1998. Any person who wishes to make representations about the application should do so in writing to the Environment Agency, Midlands Region, Trentside Offices, Scarrington Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5FA, before the end of the said period, quoting the name of the applicant. J. B. Taylor, on behalf of British Waterways Board 20th April 1998.