Town and Country Planning

Town and Country Planning Act 19901998-10-201998-06-051997-10-171998-04-24TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Lancaster District Local Plan Notice of Publication of Pre-Inquiry Changes to the Deposited Plan

Lancaster City Council placed the above Local Plan on deposit on 17th October 1997.
  In response to objections received, the Council has agreed to make changes to the deposited Local Plan. These Pre-Inquiry Changes relate to the policies, supporting text, diagrams and notations on the Proposals Map.
  Copies of the proposed Pre-Inquiry Changes to the proposals are available for public inspection at Palatine Hall, Dalton Square, Lancaster, and at Morecambe Town Hall, Marine Road, Morecambe, free of charge, on Monday to Friday between 8.45 a.m. and 5.15 p.m.
  If, and when, the plan proposals are adopted they will form part of the development plan for Lancaster District. The development plan forms the basis for decisions on land use planning affecting that area.
  Objections to, and representations in respect of, the Council’s proposed Pre-Inquiry Changes should be sent in writing, preferably on the form available from libraries and the Council offices listed above, to W. V. Crumley, Chief Planning Officer, Palatine Hall, Dalton Square, Lancaster LA1 1PW, before 5.15 p.m. on Friday, 5th June 1998.
  Only objections and representations in respect of the Pre-Inquiry Changes can be considered at this stage. No further objections or representations can be considered in respect of any other parts of the Local Plan which are not changed by the Pre-Inquiry Changes.
  In order that objections are available for presentation at the forthcoming local inquiry, scheduled to commence on 20th October 1998, please ensure that objections are made in writing and arrive at the address specified above within the six week period ending on 5th June 1998.
  Further information is available from the Planning and Building Control Service, Palatine Hall, Dalton Square, Lancaster LA1 1PW.
C. Wilson, Town Clerk and Director of Development 24th April 1998.