Meetings of Creditors
MJ SECURITY SERVICES (NORTHERN) LIMITEDNotice is hereby given, pursuant to section 98 of the Insolvency Act 1986, that a Meeting of the Creditors of the above-named Company will be held at The Midway Park Hotel, Manchester Road, Castleton, Rochdale, Lancashire, on Thursday, 14th May 1998 at 11 a.m., for the purposes mentioned in sections 99 to 101 of the Insolvency Act 1986, namely to consider the directors statement of affairs, to appoint a Liquidator, to approve the basis of his remuneration and to establish, if thought fit, a liquidation committee. Michael Williams, of PO Box 22, Rochdale OL11 2FB, will provide Creditors, free of charge, with such information concerning the Company’s affairs as they may reasonably require. By Order of the Board. M. Jones 23rd April 1998.(289)