Amendment of Title of Proceedings
JESSOP, Malcolm David, a Joiner, of 28 Dalesview Crescent, Heysham, Lancashire, lately carrying on business as a Builder on his own account, and formerly trading in partnership with another as A & M Joiners and Builders, at 28 Dalesview Crescent, aforesaid. Court—LANCASTER. No. of Matter—64 of 1997. Date of Bankruptcy Order—10th September 1997. These proceedings were previously advertised in The London Gazette on 18th September 1997, under the description: Malcolm Jessop, of 28 Dalesview Crescent, Heysham, Lancashire, a Builder, and carrying on business as A & M Builders Firm, of 28 Dalesview Crescent. Official Receiver—Petros House, St. Andrews Road North, Lytham St. Annes FY8 2JB.