Town and Country Planning
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Notice is hereby given that Oadby and Wigston Borough Council has, pursuant to section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, designated the South Wigston Conservation Area as described in the Schedule below. Plans of the said area may be inspected at the Council Offices, Station Road, Wigston, Leicestershire, during normal office hours. The effects of the designation are: (a) All planning applications for development which would affect the character of the area must be advertised and site notices must be posted so that the maximum opportunity for comment is given to the public before a decision is reached; (b) Oadby and Wigston Borough Council, as the local planning authority, will exercise particular care to ensure that change, when it occurs, will preserve or enhance the appearance and character of the area; (c) No building in a conservation area may be demolished or partially demolished without conservation area consent having first been obtained from the local planning authority. (For alteration, demolition or extension of listed buildings in a conservation area, listed building consent must be applied for, and this takes precedence over conservation area consent). Exceptions to this rule are those laid down in section 75 of the above Act and paragraph 4.25 of PPG15. These exceptions mainly affect small buildings within the curtilage of a dwelling house; gates, walls, fences or other enclosures below a certain height; temporary buildings; certain agricultural and industrial buildings required to be demolished under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the Housing Act 1985 or the Pastoral Measure 1983. Planning permission is required for some alterations to dwellings due to their locations within a conservation area. This control is exercised over all dormer windows and external cladding; (d) It is an offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot or wilfully damage or destroy any tree (not already the subject of a tree preservation order) in a conservation area without giving 6 weeks, notice to the Borough Council. This provision does not relate to trees covered by a felling licence, to dead trees, to trees which do not exceed 75 millimetres (3 inches approximately) in diameter, or to certain other trees, details of which can be obtained from the address above; (e) Oadby and Wigston Borough Council, as the local planning authority, will require planning applications in the conservation area to be accompanied by sufficient details to enable the impact of the proposed development on the character of the conservation area to be assessed. This may include details of scale, massing, design and materials of buildings and their relationship to existing buildings. R. E. Hyde, Chief Executive
The extent of the boundary of South Wigston Conservation Area is as follows: The area between the Leicester to Birmingham railway line to the north and the Grand Union Canal to the south and extending from Saffron Road and Countesthorpe Road in the west to Station Street and Blaby Road Park in the east, all situate within South Wigston in the county of Leicestershire. 21st May 1998.