Town and Country Planning
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Birstall Market Place Conservation Area Designation
Notice is hereby given under the Planning/Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Act section 69, that the Kirklees Metropolitan Council have on 1st April 1998, determined that the area described in the Schedule to this notice is an area of special architectural or historic interest the character of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance and has therefore designated this area as the Birstall Market Place Conservation Area. Conservation area consent will now be required for the demolition of all unlisted buildings (other than excepted buildings) in the area. Planning applications for development which would in the opinion of the local planning authority affect the character or appearance of the conservation area must be given publicity and representations received as a result of the publicity must be taken into account in determining the application. It becomes an offence, subject to certain to certain exceptions to cut down, top, lop, uproot, wilfully damage or wilfully destroy any tree in the area except with the consent of the local planning authority. The local planning authority are now under a duty to formulate and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of the area. A map of the conservation area may be inspected, free of charge, during normal office hours at Reception, Legal Services, 2nd Floor, Civic Centre III, Huddersfield, and the Birstall Community Library, Market Street, Birstall, Batley. J. E. Emms, Solicitor Legal Services, 2nd Floor, Civic Centre III, Huddersfield HD1 2TG.
Birstall Market Place Conservation Area
Birstall Market Place Conservation Area focuses on the Market Place and includes those streets that enter it and contribute to the views into and out of the Conservation Area. Starting in the west, the Conservation Area boundary follows the western boundary of the Salem Congregational Church before turning north-west along the rear boundary to cross Middlegate and join the footpath. Rising up the bank the boundary follows the northern boundary of the footpath and then the southern boundary of No. 1 Chandle Street to join the rear boundary the New Inn on High Street. The Conservation Area boundary crosses High Street opposite No. 83 High Street, and follows the line of the pavement nearest to the properties on the northern side of the High Street, towards Birstall Youth Club at the junction of the High Street and North Terrace. The Conservation Area boundary then follows the boundary between the Youth Club and No. 47 High Street, and then along the northern boundary of the Youth Club crossing North Terrace opposite No. 5 North Terrace. The Conservation Area boundary then follows the southern boundary of No. 5 North Terrace and the adjoining southern boundary of No. 4 Victoria Street, before crossing Victoria Street opposite No. 3 Victoria Street. The boundary of the Conservation Area follows the front (western) boundary and the southern boundary of No. 3 Victoria Street, to then follow the boundary dividing those properties fronting High Street, from the Master Cars Repair Works to the north. The boundary then follows the northern boundary of Nos. 2, 4 and 6 Nelson Street and Nos. 2 and 4 Gelderd Road, before joining the rear boundary of the Coach and Six Public House on Gelderd Road and crossing Gelderd Road. On crossing Gelderd Road the Conservation Area boundary turns immediately south to cross Nelson Street to follow the eastern boundary of Nos. 2, 4, 6 and 8 Huddersfield Road. The Conservation Area boundary continues to follow the eastern rear boundary of the Birstall Young Life Centre on Huddersfield Road, before turning westwards to follow the southern boundary of the Birstall Young Life Centre to meet the pavement where it meets the front boundary of Nos. 18-40 Huddersfield Road. The Conservation Area boundary then follows the inside line of the pavement southwards down Huddersfield Road, and along Brookroyd Lane before crossing Brookroyd Lane to follow the boundary between the Old Wines and Spirit Vaults Public House and No. 2 John Nelson Close. The Conservation Area boundary then follows the western boundary of Nos. 2, 4 and 6 John Nelson Close, and the eastern, then southern boundary of No. 54 Huddersfield Road (the Exclusive Car Sales). The Conservation Area boundary then crosses Huddersfield Road to follow the boundary between No. 25 and No. 27 Huddersfield Road and along the line of the wall separating Nos. 2-22 Union Street (even) and Nos. 8-14 Smithies Lane (even), and Nos. 1-15 School Street (odd). The boundary of the Conservation Area then follows the centre-line of Smithies Lane southwards until turning westwards opposite the southern boundary of the car park on Smithies. It then follows that southern boundary across Market Street to the western side of the pavement fronting the Birstall Liberal Club on Market Street. The Conservation Area boundary follows the boundary of the Liberal Club fronting Market Street until it reaches the library where it turns westwards then northwards to follow the rear boundary of the library. At the north-west corner of the library, the Conservation Area boundary turns westward to follow the southern pavement boundary adjoining Nos. 62-74 Carr Street (even). It then turns north to join the northern boundary of Nos. 14-60 Carr Street (even) where it moves westwards to join the eastern boundary of the Conservative Club, Low Lane. At the Conservative Club, Low Lane, the Conservation Area boundary follows the southern boundary of the club and the adjoining No. 42 Low Lane. It follows the boundary between No. 42 Low Lane and No. 4 Blackburn Road, before joining the centre-line of Blackburn Road and moving southwards. Opposite No. 1 Blackburn Road the boundary turns west to follow the boundary of No. 1 Blackburn Road. The Conservation Area boundary then steps south to follow the southern boundary of the group of buildings including Nos. 46-58 Low Lane (even) and No. 2 Whewell Street. Finally, the Conservation Area boundary joins the centre-line of Whewell Street and turns north to meet the western boundary of the Salem Congregational Church where the Church boundary meets the pavement.
Schedule of properties included in the Birstall Market Place Conservation Area
Low Lane, Nos. 8-14 Low Lane (even); No. 40 Low Lane, The Conservative Club; No. 42 Low Lane; Nos. 46-58 Low Lane (even), including No. 2 Whewell Street. All those properties on Thorn Street, off Low Lane, Nos. 1-15 Low Lane (odd); Nos. 17-33 Low Lane (odd); Nos. 45-51 Low Lane (odd); Nos. 53-61 Low Lane (odd); Nos. 75-79 Low Lane (odd); Nos. 81-95 Low Lane (odd); The Horse and Jockey Public House; Manse at Salem Congregational Church and Salem Congregational Church. High Street, Nos. 1-31 High Street (odd); Birstall Youth Club and The New Inn. Nelson Street, Nos. 2 and 4 Nelson Street, including Nos. 2 and 4 Gelderd Road and Coach and Six Public House and Nos. 1-37 Nelson Street (odd). Huddersfield Road, Nos. 2-8 Huddersfield Road (even); Birstall Young Life Centre; Nos. 42 Huddersfield Road and Old Wine and Spirit Vaults Public House; Wesley House, Nos. 17 and 19 Huddersfield Road. School Street, Nos. 1-13 School Street; Birstall County Junior and Infant School and No.2 School Street. Smithies Lane, No. 2 and 4 Smithies Lane. Chapel Lane, No. 2 Chapel Lane; No. 4 Chapel Lane; Birstall Methodist and Sunday School and Nos. 1-15 Chapel Lane (odd). Market Place, Nos. 2-10 Market Place (even) and Nos. 12-20 Market Place (even). Market Street, Nos. 2-16 Market Street (even) and Library. Also including: Nos. 1 a and 3 North Terrace; No. 2 Victoria Street; Nos. 1-5 Middlegate (odd) and Nos. 5-19 Bond Street (odd). All other properties that fall within the Conservation Area boundary as described.