Appointment of Liquidators

1998-04-281998-05-22TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Company Number: 645084. Name of Company: SWANWICK ENGINEERING LIMITED. Previous Name of Company: Proctor Masts Limited. Nature of Business: Mast Manufacturers. Type of Liquidation: Creditors. Address of Registered Office: Enterprise House, 83 a Western Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 1LJ. Liquidators’ Names and Address: T. M. Burton and J. D. Ariel, Kidsons Impey, Enterprise House, 83 a Western Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 1LJ. Office Holder Numbers: 8224 and 7838. Date of Appointment: 28th April 1998. By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors.