Amendment of Title of Proceedings
POWELL, Jeffrey Brian, Hairdresser, of 120 Dolphin Road, Folkestone, Kent CT19 5QB, and lately of Flat 5, 17 Julian Road, Folkestone, Kent CT19 5QL, and currently Renting a Chair in a Hairdressing Salon at 7 Blackbull Road, Folkestone, Kent CT19 5QL, from which to trade. Court—CANTERBURY. No. of Matter—473 of 1997. Date of Bankruptcy Order—30th March 1998. These proceedings were previously advertised in The London Gazette on 9th April 1998, under the description: Jeffrey Brian Powell, occupation unknown, of Flat 5, 17 Julian Road, Folkestone, Kent CT19 5QL, lately trading at 7 Black Bull Road, Folkestone, Kent, as a Hairdresser as Snip in Time lately of 1 Grove Road, Folkestone, Kent CT20 1NJ. Official Receiver—4th Floor, Clarkson House, Rhodaus Town, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2UT.