Appointment of Liquidators

-2.59622951.450558BS1 4PSThe City of Bristol1998-05-28TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,

Company Number: 2941527. Name of Company: METROPOLITAN RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED. Nature of Business: Property Developers. Type of Liquidation: Creditors. Address of Registered Office: Newland Mallett Garner Woodbury, Crown House, 37-41 Prince Street, Bristol BS1 4PS. Liquidators’ Names and Address: Nigel Gordon Mallett and Peter Paul O’Duffy, of Newland Mallett Garner Woodbury, Crown House, 37-41 Prince Street, Bristol BS1 4PS. Office Holder Numbers: 002162 and GB023. By whom Appointed: Creditors.