Town and Country Planning
Public Inquiry at the Council Chamber, Teesdale House, Galgate, on Tuesday, 16th June 1998, at 10 a.m.
Reason for Inquiry: Appeal by National Wind Power Ltd. relating to the application
to the Teesdale District Council for:
25 wind turbine generators, temporary access tracks, a substation, underground
cable, an anemometer mast and associated temporary works in connection with the proposed
High Moor Wind Farm at Arkengarthdale and Barningham Commons
and application by National Wind Power Ltd. relating to the application for consent
under section 194 of the Law of Property Act 1925 to construct:
25 wind turbine generators, temporary access tracks, a substation, underground
cable, an anemometer mast and associated temporary works in connection with the proposed
High Moor Wind Farm at Arkengarthdale and Barningham Commons.
An Inspector instructed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport
and the Regions will attend at the place, date and time shown above.
There will be an evening session on Thursday, 25th June 1998, from 7 p.m. to 10
p.m. at the same venue.
It is desirable that all persons interested should attend the inquiry. Any person
desirous of being heard on the subject matter of the application, whether considered
in relation to the benefit of the neighbourhood or to private interests, may, at the
discretion of the Inspector, give evidence at the inquiry or may arrange for someone
to do so on his behalf on the date mentioned above.
If you are disabled or anyone you know who wants to go to the inquiry is disabled,
contact the Council to confirm that it can make proper arrangements such as parking
spaces, access, seating arrangements and so on.
Copies of:
I. The application by National Wind Power Ltd;
II. The applicant’s statement in support of the application; and
III. A plan showing the common land affected and details of the proposals
will be available for inspection at the Teesdale District Council offices during
normal hours (except public holidays) during the three weeks preceding the public
Copies of the statement will be available on request from the above address and
from the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Room 818, Tollgate
House, Houlton Street, Bristol BS2 9DJ.
References: APP/W1335/A/97/285005 and CYD/1077/1014.
Contact point at the Planning Inspectorate: Mrs. G. Briggs, Room 1015, Tollgate
House, Houlton Street, Bristol BS2 9DJ, telephone 0117 987 8653.
S. Carter, a Grade 5 in the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.