Changes of Name
Notice is hereby given that by a Deed Poll dated 5th November 1997 and enrolled in the Supreme Court of England and Wales on 2nd June 1998, Elaine Jane Fittes, of 48 Edwin Street, Boston, Lincolnshire, the Mother and Legal Guardian of ANDREW IAN O’DELL-FITTES, (formerly known as Andrew Ian O’Dell), of 48 Edwin Street, Boston, Lincolnshire (a Minor), and a British citizen by virtue of section 1(1) of the British Nationality Act 1981, abandoned the name of Andrew Ian O’Dell and assumed in lieu thereof the name of Andrew Ian O’Dell-Fittes. Marley Brown & Co., 2 Main Ridge West, Boston, Lincolnshire PE21 6QH, for and on behalf of Andrew Ian O’Dell-Fittes, formerly Andrew Ian O’Dell.