Town and Country Planning

Town and Country Planning Act 1990Planning and Compensation Act 19911998-06-26TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning and Compensation Act 1991
Statement identifying Policies in Proposals for a Local Plan as Policies previously contained in the Local Plan

Notice is hereby given that the proposals for the above plan, made available for inspection by South Somerset District Council at the Council Offices at Brympton Way, Yeovil; Churchfield, Wincanton; Old Kelways, Somerton Road, Langport; Maltravers House, Petters Way, Yeovil; and Holyrood Lace Mill, Holyrood Street, Chard, include policies which were, in the opinion of the authority, previously contained in a local plan for the area. These “existing policies” identified by the authority are set out in the list below.   Objections may be made to these policies at the same time and in the same manner as objections made to other policies in the proposals.   The person holding any local inquiry or hearing need not allow a person who objects to a policy identified as an existing policy to appear at the inquiry or hearing if he is satisfied that the policy identified is an existing policy, and that there has been no significant change in circumstances affecting the existing policy since it first formed part of the local plan. Where an objection has been duly made, it will be considered by the person holding the inquiry or hearing, whether or not the relevant objector has appeared at the inquiry or hearing.

Existing Policies

  Chard & Ilminster Local Plan (1995): H1, H2, H5, E1(1), E1(3), E2, E3, T2(1), T2(3), T2(5), S5, R4(2), R6, F1(2), F2(1), F3.   Crewkerne Local Plan (1984): E1 (north of Fire Station).   Langport and Somerton Local Plan (1993): H1(ii), H1(iv), H3(ii), E3, T1(iv), T2, T5, T6, T8(v), R3(i), R4(ii), R4(iv), F1.   Wincanton Local Plan (1987): H3(Castle Cary (ii) and Milborne Port (vi) ), E2(ii), E2(iii), S1, T7(iv), T7(v), R3(i), R3(iii), R4(viii).   Yeovil Area Local Plan (1990): H1(i), H1(ii), H4, E1(iii), E1(iv), E2(iv), E5(iii), E5(v), E6, T5(v), T5(vii), R3(ii), R6(ii), R6(iii), R6(vi), R6(vii), R7(iv), R8, R9, R11(ii), F1(i), F1(ii). G. Hollington, Planning Policy Manager 26th June 1998.