Town and Country Planning

The District of Suffolk Coastal1.32265552.096044IP12 1AU1998-06-231998-06-26IP121AUPlanning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Designation of Conservation Area

Notice is hereby given that the Suffolk Coastal District Council as District Planning Authority have designated part of Aldeburgh as a Conservation Area under section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, as listed below.   A Conservation Area is an area of special architectural or historic interest within which the relevant authorities are required to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing its character or appearance.   The precise boundary of the above area is defined on a map which may be seen during normal office hours at the address given below.   The designation came into effect on 23rd June 1998, and it will be registered in the Register of Local Land Charges. The existing Aldeburgh Conservation Area is cancelled and replaced by a new map incorporating the following amendments;    Aldeburgh : an extended area, comprising additional parts of Thorpe Road, Crag Path and the Foreshore, and, on the western side of Thorpe Road, the dwellings known as “The Gun Site” and “The Bunker”.   Notice is hereby given that the above Act provides the non-listed buildings and parts of buildings (with certain exceptions) within Conservation Areas may not be demolished without the consent of the Local Planning Authority. An application for consent to the demolition of such a building must be made as a separate application for conservation area consent, whether or not it is accompanied by a planning application for redevelopment. Also, anyone wishing to cut down, top, lop or uproot any tree (with certain exceptions), within a Conservation Area must give the District Council 6 weeks notice of his intention. A notice under these provisions must state the work proposed and must give sufficient particulars to identify the tree concerned.   Planning applications involving development which is considered to affect the character of appearance of the Conservation Areas will be advertised by the Local Planning Authority for public comment. Applications for the erection of buildings will not normally be accepted in outline form by the Authority, who will seek to ensure that all alterations, redevelopment and any new development are of a high architectural standard and enhance the character of the designated areas. In addition, statutory undertakers are asked to pay special attention to the character and appearance of the areas in the provision and maintenance of their respective services. J. G. Schofield, Director of Planning and Leisure Melton Hill, Woodbridge,   Suffolk IP12 1AU.