Next of Kin
Died 28th August 1947 in Bridlington, Intestate
Will anyone claiming to be descended from William Batman and Catherine Perkins, who married on 8th March 1830, in Snaith, Yorkshire, also from Jane and Frederick Stringer, who married in Snaith on 15th October 1883, particularly anyone descended from Gertrude Adelia Flaum, nee Stringer; also anyone descended from William Hartley, born 1821, in Yorkshire, the son of William Hartley, who died on 21st June 1871, in East Retford, Nottinghamshire, contact Solicitors Morrish and Co., Oxford House, Oxford Row, Leeds LS1 3BE, Ref. T.W. Morrish, telephone 0113 245 0733 acting for the Administrators, with full details of their descent from the above-named person or persons, who now wish to distribute the estate to the persons entitled to a share of the estate of the said intestate.