
1998-08-04SW1H0ETB168QG1998-08-01WC2B4HP1998-08-111994-04-011998-04-011998-07-07Electricity Act 1989-0.13094951.498773SW1H 0ETTown and Country Planning Act 1990-1.92261852.472526B16 8QGThe City of WestminsterThe London Borough of Camden-0.12374451.516329WC2B 4HPThe City of BirminghamTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211, customer.services@tso.co.uk55188847847

Notice of Application for a Consent to Construct a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Station on Land at Rassau Industrial Estate, Plateaux L, M, O, P, Q, R, U, in Rassau Ebbw Vale Notice is hereby given that Rassau Power Limited (“The Company”) has applied to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 (“The Act”), and for a direction under section 90(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 that planning permission for the development be deemed to be granted for consent to construct and operate a 1,200mw Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) on land at Rassau Industrial Estate, in Rassau, Ebbw Vale, OS grid reference ST 153 127.   The new station, to be known as Rassau Power Limited, would comprise three modules with a capacity of approximately 1,200mw.   A copy of the application with a plan showing the land to which it relates, together with a copy of the Environmental Statement presenting an analysis of the environmental implications, are available for inspection during normal office hours at the following addresses, The County Borough of Blaenau Gwent Council, First Floor, Planning Department, Enterprise House, Rassau Industrial Estate, Rassau, Ebbw Vale NP3 5DD, and Enron Europe Limited, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3ET.   In addition, copies of the Environmental Statement may be obtained at a cost of £30 from Enron Europe Limited, at the above address, while stocks last. A Non-Technical Summary is available, free of charge, at the above address while stocks last.   Any objections should be made in writing to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, care of Room 1.E.20, 1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET, stating the name of the station and the grounds of the objection, not later than 11th August 1998. 7th July 1998.(490)

Schedule 2
Regulations 3(2) and 4(2)
Part I
Form of Application for a Private Electricity Supply Licence or Extension
(Where, for any question, insufficient room has been provided, the answer should be continued on a separate sheet.)

1. Full name of the applicant(s):   Eyelectricity Plc. 2. Address of the applicant(s) or, in the case of a body corporate, the registered or principal office:   8th Floor, Aldwych House, 81 Aldwych, London WC2B 4HP. 3. Where the applicant is a company, the full names of the current Directors and the company’s registered number:   Registered Number: 3547417.   Directors   (1) Mr Predanen Vurdien A.C.A.   (2) Ms Jane Miriam Sadler A.C.A. 4.  Where a holding of 20 per cent. or more of the shares (see Note 1) of an applicant is held by a body corporate or partnership or an unincorporated association carrying on a trade or business with or without a view to profit, the name(s) and address(es) of the holder(s) of such shares shall be provided: Utilities Investments (Holdings) Limited Registered Office: Saffrey Square, Suite 205, Bank Lane, PO Box N8188, Nassau, Bahamas. 5. Desired date from which the licence is to take effect:   01 August 1998. 6. A sufficient description adequately specifying (see Note 2) the nature and situation of the premises intended to be supplied, separately identifying premises within the power bands specified in and to the extent provided by paragraph 7 below: All customers above and below 100 kw including those in the designated markets for the 12 PES areas in England & Wales; namely:

   (1) North Eastern Region  (2) North Western Region
   (3) Yorkshire Region  (4) Merseyside & North Wales Region
   (5) Midlands Region  (6) East Midlands Region
   (7) South Wales Region  (8) Eastern Region
   (9) Southern Region (10) London Region
  (11) South Eastern Region (12) South Western Region
7. (a) Subject to sub-paragraph (b) indicate the total number of premises intended to be supplied in each power band as shown in the table below, together with the aggregate energy forecast to be supplied and the aggregate estimated maximum demand (see Note 3) for each power band.    (b) If the date in paragraph 5 above is on or after 1st April 1994 then only Power Band A shall be completed and if the said date is on or after 1st April 1998 then this paragraph shall cease to have effect.
Power Band Number of premises Aggregate maximum demand Energy (GWh) to be supplied
(A) Not exceeding
0.1 MW (Not Applicable)
(B) Exceeding
0.1MW but
not exceeding
1.0 MW (Not Applicable)
8. A description of the system of electric lines and electrical plant by means of which the applicant intends to supply electricity, indicating which plant and lines are to be constructed and which are existing plant and lines, and further identifying any parts of that system which will not be owned by or otherwise in the possession or control of the applicant: The National Transmission Network owned by “The National Grid Company Plc” & the Distribution Networks owned individually by the 12 PES companies. 9. A statement of the extent (if any) to which the applicant considers it necessary for powers under Schedule 3 (compulsory acquisition of land etc.) and under Schedule 4 (other powers etc.) to the Act to be given through the licence for which he is applying. (Not Applicable) 10. Details of any licences held, applied for or being applied for by the applicant in respect of the generation, transmission or supply of electricity. (Not Applicable) Note 1. Reference to shares—   (a) in relation to an applicant with a share capital, are to allotted shares;   (b) in relation to an applicant with capital but no share capital, are to rights to share in the capital of the applicant;   (c) in relation to an applicant without capital, are to interests—     (i) conferring any right to share in the profits or liability to contribute to the losses of the applicant; or     (ii) giving rise to an obligation to contribute to the debts or expenses of the applicant in the event of a winding-up. Note 2. The description should enable the areas, location or premises concerned to be adequately and readily identified, by map if the applicant so desires or by any other convenient means. The following examples of descriptions that might be used are not exhaustive and are by way of illustration only: the area or premises might be identified by the name of the customers and/or postal address of the premises to be supplied; described by reference to a named street or road, town, city, village, parish, county or other accepted boundary, such as a Local Authority Area; or described by reference to certain other characteristics such as the type of premises or the maximum electrical demand to be met at those premises. Note 3.   (a) For premises already receiving electricity for a period in excess of 12 months, whether from the applicant or anyone else, maximum demand shall be calculated as the average of the three highest monthly maximum demands in the preceding 12 months; or   (b) for premises not already so receiving electricity, maximum demand shall be calculated as the average of the 3 highest monthly maximum demands which might reasonably be expected by the applicant to be supplied in the first 12 months of supply. (572)

Notice under Section 11(2) of The Electricity Act 1989

The Director General of Electricity Supply (“the Director”) hereby gives notice pursuant to section 11(2) of the Electricity Act 1989 (“the Act”) as follows: 1. The Director proposes to modify the conditions of the licences granted under section 6(1)(a) of the Act and held by National Power plc, PowerGen plc, Magnox Electric plc, Scottish Nuclear Ltd, Nuclear Electric Ltd and First Hydro Ltd (the “Generators”). 2. He proposes to modify the conditions of these licences because an obligation not to discriminate unduly between customers, in the supply of electricity to customers in a market within which the supplier is dominant, has been included in the licences granted to suppliers under section 6(2) of the Act. 3. In summary, the Director proposes to modify the conditions of these licences granted under section 6(1)(a) of the Act by replacing the condition prohibiting discrimination on all sales of electricity with a new condition which prohibits each Generator from unduly discriminating in the sale of electricity to purchasers other than to final customers requiring a supply of electricity.   A copy of the proposed modificiations may be obtained (free of charge), from the Office of Electricty Regulation. Any representations or objections may be made on or before 4 August 1998, to Mrs Ravi Randhawa, OFFER, Hagley House, 83-85 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8QG. A. J. Boorman Authorised on behalf of the Director 7 July 1998.