Final Meetings
In the Worcester County Court No. 175 of 1993GARY PAUL JAMESNotice is hereby given, pursuant to section 331 of the Insolvency Act 1986, that a Meeting of Creditors of the above Debtor will be held at Robson Rhodes, Centre City Tower, 7 Hill Street, Birmingham B5 4UU, on 12th August 1998, at 11 a.m., for the purpose of receiving the Trustee’s report on the administration of the Debtor’s estate and determining whether the Trustee should have his release under section 299 of the Insolvency Act 1986. A Creditor entitled to vote at the above Meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his place. It is not necessary for the proxy to be a Creditor. Proxy forms must be returned to Robson Rhodes, Centre City Tower, 7 Hill Street, Birmingham B5 4UU by not later than 12 noon on 11th August 1998. N. Tombs, Trustee 1st July 1998.