Notice of Intended Dividends

1998-08-211998-09-301998-08-28TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
In The High Court of Justice.  In Bankruptcy No. 2030 of 1985

SMEJKAL, Andre Stanislau, alternatively known as Andrew Fox, or Andre Fox, or Andre Reynard, or Andrew Green, 12 Pemberton Road, London N.4, and also of 52-54 Kenway Road, London S.W.5, a Company Director and Trainer in Television Production Techniques and also Photographic Techniques and an Employment Agency Proprietor, trading as Television Training Centre and Photographic Training Centre, and also trading as Video Training Centre and Fulham Studios and also trading as Night Gallery and Studio Employment Agency and Cablefinch Employment Agency at 18 and 23 Grosvenor Street, London W.1, and 52-54 Kenway Road, London S.W.5, lately trading as Radio, Television, Film and Theatre Production Academy as a Trainer in Radio, Television, Film and Theatre Production Tecniques at 23 Grosvernor Street, London W.1, formerly trading at 41-43 Fouberts Place, Carnaby Street, London W.1, previously trading at 142 Wardour Street, London W.1 and previously trading as London Film Academy at 56 Whitfield Street, London W.1, as a Trainer in Film Production Techniques. A First and Final Dividend is intended to be declared in the above Matter. All Creditors who have not already done so are invited to prove the debts, writing to me for a claim form at BDO Stoy Hayward, 8 Baker Street, London W1M 1DA. Any Creditor who does not submit their claim by 30th September 1998, will be excluded from this Dividend which is to be declared within 4 months from the last date for proving. R. Hocking, Trustee 21st August 1998.