Notice of Intended Dividends
REID, Joan Morton, unemployed, of Flat 1, Hunter House, Ward Road N19 5QE, lately trading at 10 Sicilian Avenue, Holborn WC1A 2QD, formerly trading at Unit 48, The Trocadero, 15 Coventry Street, Piccadilly W1V 7FD, previously trading at The London Pavillion, 1 Piccadilly W.1, at all trading as Spirals, as a Retail Shop Owner, all in London. Notice is hereby given that the Supervisor of the above arrangement intends within four months from 19th October 1998, to declare a First and Final Dividend to the Creditors of the said Debtor, and that any such Creditor desiring to participate in such dividend must on or before that date send in his full name and address and full particulars of his debt or claim to the undersigned, Malcolm John Mears, of John Mears & Co., 57 Grosvenor Street, London W1X 9DA. M. Mears, Supervisor 7th September 1998.