Notice of Intended Dividends
In the High Court of Justice. No. 4050 of 1996 PEARSON, Christopher John, occupation unknown, of 12 Belltrees Grove, Streatham, London SW6 2HZ.
I, Peter John Robertson Souster, of Baker Tilly, 2 Bloomsbury Street, London WC1B 3ST, hereby give formal notice that I intend to declare a First (and Final) Dividend to all unsecured Creditors who have submitted a proof of debt by the last day for proving, namely 12th October 1998. Failure to prove by the date specified will exclude all Creditors who have not submitted proof of debt forms from receiving this Dividend, which will be declared within 4 months of the last day of proving. P. J. Robertson Souster, Trustee 14th September 1998.