Clean Air
Clean Air Act 1993, Section 18 and Schedule 1
Declaration of Smoke Control Areas
Alnwick District Council hereby gives notice that it proposes to make Smoke Control Orders under section 18 of the Clean Air Act 1993 affecting the following areas: Land by Fisher Lane, Alnwick (site of phase II of the Allerburn Lea development); Land south of Lisburn Street, Alnwick (site of proposed new development); Land west of Highfield Park, Weavers Way, Alnwick (site of proposed new development). The effect of the Orders will be to declare those areas to be smoke control areas. The general effect of this will be to make it an offence for the occupier of any building in such an area to permit smoke to be emitted from any chimney at that building unless either the fireplace used and/or the fuel burnt is of a kind authorised by the Secretary of State for use in such areas. Maps showing the extent of the areas proposed to be affected by the Orders and a copy of the Orders may be inspected at all reasonable times, free of charge, at the offices of the Council at Allerburn House, Alnwick NE66 1YY, until 4th December 1998. The offices are open weekdays from 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., but closing at 4.30 p.m. on Fridays. Any person affected by the Order may, by notice in writing to the Council (addressed to the Assistant Director (Health) at the above address), object to the making of the Order(s) and all objections received relating to each Order, before 4th December 1998, will be considered before each Order is made. D. Edmundson, Assistant Director (Health)