Town and Country Planning

-1.62120751.915287OX7 6YD1998-10-071998-10-16OX76YDThe District of West OxfordshirePlanning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990TSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
The Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Churchill Conservation Area

Notice is hereby given that the West Oxfordshire District Council as the District Planning Authority, has determined with effect from 7th October 1998, for the purposes of section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, that the area described in the Schedule below is an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance and has designated it as the Churchill Conservation Area.   A copy of the formal Instrument and the plan referred to have been placed on deposit for public inspection at the Chief Executive’s Department, West Oxfordshire District Council, Council Offices, Woodgreen, Witney, Oxfordshire, during normal office hours and at the place and time specified in the Schedule.   A copy of the Instrument and plan so deposited is available for inspection, free of charge, by all persons interested at the Council Office mentioned above, or at the place and at the times detailed in the Schedule.   The effect of the said designation is that:   (a) All planning applications for development that would affect the character of the area must be advertised and site notices posted so that the maximum opportunity for comment is given to the public before a decision is reached.   (b) The prior approval of the District Planning Authority may be required for the demolition of buildings within the Conservation Area (Applications for approval may be made separately or as part of an application for planning permission for the redevelopment of a site within the Conservation Area).   (c) Certain trees within the Conservation Area cannot be felled, topped or lopped or uprooted without the consent of the West Oxfordshire District Council. If the trees are subject to wilful damage or wilful destruction an offence may have been committed.   (d) If it is intended to demolish any building or part of a building to carry out any work which may in any way affect a tree within the Conservation Area the advice of the West Oxfordshire District Council should be sought.   (e) The West Oxfordshire District Council as District Planning Authority will exercise particular care to ensure that change, when it occurs, does not detract from the character of the area. G. Bonner, Chief Executive Council Offices, Woodgreen,   Witney, Oxfordshire OX8 6NB.


  Part of Churchill shown within the bold black line on Plan No. W/CONS/48 (on deposit at The Post Office, Kingham, Chipping, Oxfordshire OX7 6YD, during normal opening hours). 7th October 1998.