Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
Notice is given, pursuant to section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925 that the Hunts Motor Company Contracted-In Money Purchase Scheme (“the Scheme”) is winding-up. The Trustee would be interested to receive notification from any person who was employed by Hunts Motor Company Ltd., or an associated employer and who believes that they have a benefit within the Scheme. Any claim should be sent in writing to the Trustee, care of J. L. Sandwell, Group Financial Director and Company Secretary, TC Harrison Group Ltd., 53-67 London Road, Sheffield S2 4LD, within 3 months of the date of publication of this advertisement. After this date the Trustee will distribute the assets of the scheme having regard only to claims of which they have prior written notice and will not be liable in respect of any person whose claim has not been notified to them in writing within the said 3 months.