Changes of Name
Notice is hereby given that by a Deed Poll dated 12th October 1998 and enrolled in the Supreme Court of Judicature on 23rd October 1998, James Efstathiou and Jacqueline Regina Maria Te Broemmelstroet, the mother and father and legal guardians of ANNA BENITA LEILA EFSTATHIOU, formerly known as Anna Benita Leila Petrou, of 118 St. Albans Avenue, Chiswick, London W4 5JR, on behalf of the said Anna Benita Leila Esftathiou, formerly known as Anna Benita Leila Petrou, an infant and a British subject have abandoned the surname of Petrou. C. From & Co., Solicitors for the said James Efstathiou and Jacqueline Regina Maria te Broemmelstroet. 23rd October 1998.