Appointment of Liquidators
1998-11-301998-12-15GL208UG-2.11074252.002372GL20 8UGThe Borough of TewkesburyTSO (The Stationery Office), St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1PD, 01603 622211,
Company Number: 3639124.
Name of Company: PROPCLEAN LIMITED .
Previous Name of Company: EWF Edgwick Ltd.
Nature of Business: Transport.
Type of Liquidation: Members.
Address of Registered Office: Northway Lane, Northway Industrial Estate, Tewkesbury,
Gloucestershire GL20 8UG.
Liquidator’s Name and Address: Philip John Gorman, Hazlewoods, Windsor House, Gloucester
GL1 1JR.
Office Holder Number: 008069.
Date of Appointment: 30th November 1998.
By whom Appointed: Members.