Notices under the Trustee Act 1925
Pension Schemes
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 27 of the Trustee Act 1925, that the Trustees are winding-up the Plan. Any former employee of Convergent Communications Ltd., also known as CRT Multimedia Ltd., whose business was conducted at Westway Centre, 78 Wood Lane, London W12 7RH, and 17 Alfred Place, London WC1E 7EB, who believes that he or she was a Member of the Plan (and is not receiving a pension in respect of their Membership of the Plan), is requested to contact Miss Diane Coyle, of Sedgwick Noble Lowndes, No. 1 City Road East, Manchester M15 4PN, to make a claim. Before 19th February 1999, claimants should provide their full name, address, date of birth and details of when they worked for the Company named above. If any other person believes they have a claim against or an interest in the Plan they are requested to write to the same address setting out full particulars of their claim before 19th February 1999. Please quote the scheme name in all correspondence. After 19th February 1999, the Trustees will secure benefits for any remaining beneficiaries having regard only to the claims and interests of which they have prior notice and will not be liable to any person for a claim of which they do not have notice. Issued on behalf of the Trustees of the Convergent Communications Limited Pension Plan.