Notice of Intended Dividends
LEONARD BLACKBURN Road Haulier, trading under the style of A & L Blackburn from 103 Grange Road, Beighton, Sheffield S19 6BY. Notice is hereby given that it is my intention to declare a Dividend to Creditors of the above-named Estate. Creditors who have not yet done so are required, on or before 1st March 1999, to send their proofs of debt to Neil Andrew Brackenbury, of Cork Gully, 1 East Parade, Sheffield S1 2ET, the Trustee of the Estate and, if so requested, to provide such further details or produce such documentary or other evidence as may appear to the Trustee to be necessary. A Creditor who has not proved his debt by the date specified will be excluded from the dividend. N. A. Brackenbury, Trustee 22nd January 1999.